嗨嗨,各位相亲父老~ 相信你们都认识Jonathan,我想买个皮钱包给他当纪念礼物,我们结婚要四年了~可是不知道他会喜欢哪个款,请各位帮眼下。我已经筛选了皮包里面的格式,剩下就是皮包样式和设计咯。要帮忙保密呀~ 在这里留个言哦。
Hi everybody~ You all know Jonathan pretty well. I wanted to surprise him with a leather wallet on our fourth anniversary. Please help me choose the right style for him. I already picked out the interior that suits him, just not sure about which design he'll be excited about. Please don't tell him about this, you can leave a comment here on the blog. :)
The wallet he's using now is all black, made of leather, had some small wear and tear at the corners from all the cards he carries around. Hopefully with a new slimmer wallet, he will have to take out some of those cards…
Jonathan's simple bio: a simple and quiet man. Fashion style, blue jeans and t-shirt. He's a 3D animation university student and he works part time at a container store right now. He's also a faithful christian.
Hobby: riding his bike (bike color is black), play video games. Fav color: blue?
时常骑单车/ Jonathan's bike |
有时玩摄影/ one of his hobbies |
喜爱美味食物/ he likes yummy food |
他以前的鞋子款式/ he previous shoe style |
现在的鞋子款式/ current shoe style |
他的手表款式/ his watch |
以下就是皮包的选择啦~ 拜托大家帮忙给意见。谢谢~ 希望能在两个星期内订货,纪念日之前赶到。
And here is the list of the leather wallet I had in mind. Thanks for the help~ Hopefully I can make the order in the next 2 weeks before our big day.