Busy~ and sick...
Saturday, March 07, 2009
Whoa! Lately has been quite busy, it is midterm for classes now, some big projects are due on next week. Went to university's computer lab did homework yesterday, got a lot done. :D But it still need some fine-tune before hand in on Tuesday, maybe I can go to the lab again tomorrow. :P
Last night... My throat feels itchy and I started to cough. Didn't think much about it, thought it was because of dried air and too much unhealthy food. :o The coughing didn't end today, and now I got fever too... :C
Ate some porridge for dinner, cooked from anything I can find in the fridge. It's not too bad, at least I don't have to eat instant noodle when I'm sick, haha.
*Feelingl slightly happy, because my mom taught me how to cook soup and porridge while I was back there. :p I need to thank her. *
Okla, no mood to keep on babble or type in chinese. I shall go back to my bed to rest.

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